Recently, I have jumped into Javascript to make a few tiny scripts for fun. Soon after beginning, I had a problem with an HTTP Request returning status code 302 Redirection.

I used jQuery.ajax() to make HttpRequest and wanted to know whether a request was redirected and where it was redirected to.

With jQuery itself, there is no way. However, Vanilla Javascript can help me out.

Vanilla Javascript

The XMLHttpRequest’s implementation exposes a property named ResponseURL. The property stores the redirection destination of a request.

It is enough to solve my problem.

Example of using ResponseURLFor compatibility, reference


Unfortunately, the property ResponseURL has not been available on jQuery yet. People raised an issue and even created a pull request in May 2019.

It is 2022 now but the pull request is still under review.

For now, I have to make use of Vanilla Javascript.

What if I want to cancel the redirection or force the redirection to go through a proxy?

I have done a lot of looking up an answer. It all goes to the same endpoint that it is impossible. The status code 302 Redirection is managed automatically internally by browsers.

Given a situation where it becomes an issue, a separate service running as a request proxy will be necessary.